Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Reality as we don't know it..

        Since about the start of my teenage years, I started thinking outside the box I was put in the day I was born. It was weird for the first time, but when I got used to doing so I finally realized that it's only natural to think with no boundaries, and I came to be aware of things I never thought of before (or perhaps neglected). The time you'll take to be enlightened with this awareness depends on how curious you are.

         As human beings, it is of innate behavior that we are curious. No one learns to be curious throughout their lives, you are born that way. As babies we are fond of any strange thing that pops up from sounds and noises to interesting motions or behaviors of complex systems (such as metal cans flying right above us). However you can 'deactivate' that 'feature'. With years and years of mouth-feeding you get from school, it would be a miracle that you still have one tiny bit of curiosity, as once said by Einstein. We simply start depending on others to teach us, we know that we're gonna know, sooner or later (or at least think so).. So why bother to ask questions to ourselves? Most probably because you get deluded by the idea that you'll learn it at the right time of your life, or simply because it would be too tiresome, you're already getting enough education to work on and the only extra time you got is for leisure and relaxation.

        People with a background in popular science, or particularly physics will find the title of the blog very familiar. For those of you who aren't, "The Theory of Everything" is simply a theory that is in the making which will explain and predict any event inside the universe. Like many other theories, it has to be proven first (with a set of equations and experimental success), and the only viable candidate for such a theory is called "M-theory" (The M stands for nothing though!). Newton did NOT discover gravity, he was only able to prove it by a set of equations and laws that are derived from those equations. Newton used mathematics to prove his theory, and so has every scientist ever since. Many theories have come up through the ages, countless of them failed to be proven and thus have no place in our science textbooks this present day.

         For a person to be truly educated, one has to temporarily neutralize themselves from any mental bias they have towards anything. And when I said truly educated I meant literally to base all their knowledge on truths and facts rather than opinions or beliefs. That is something that my father-a journalist-taught me in my earlier years. One can never have one source of truth to depend on for everything. 

         I won't be emphasizing much on how one could be 'truly' educated, because I myself still have a long way to do so. I was born into an Egyptian Muslim family of some tradition, and will always be limited if I think with that identity. I must have another one, a blank mental I.D, one that I use only to think with, the other to identify the physical me. Same should go to anybody. Even atheists do so by denying the possibility of the existence of a supreme entity, declaring the universe with all its wonders came by itself with no real evidence. 

         Now what? Simply ask yourself questions that would be awkward to ask in front of your parents/friends, nobody will know what's going on inside that head of yours. There will never be one single truth, but several logical suggestions that pour down into one flowing river. Just think how Hitler's troops were so confident in what they're doing, how they fought with him, killing many innocents with no regrets. You could say that he 'brainwashed' them. Why could that not be you right now, except that you are not brainwashed by a warlord, but subconsciously by your beliefs and/or tradition? What makes you so confident (if at all) that you are right and everybody's wrong? This greatly hinders the curious mind you were given, because whenever such thoughts arise you completely shut them. Rather than striving to prove your righteous position, open up and see why those people over there are so convinced that Metallica is better than Mozart, or why those guys are living a carefree life with no boundaries, or why those are so extremely self-chained to their religion that they choke themselves with their uptight behavior. You'll find that no answer will be entirely convincing, nor entirely illogical.




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